Accreditation Recognition |
ISMS has covered innumerable milestones at different levels of its expansion. What makes us an eminent brand is our youthful zest and enthusiasm to continuously reach new benchmarks.
ISMS has got the various prestigious Registrations / Accreditation / Association,Certification, Credentials...
Accreditation, Association, Certification and Membership...
.....ISMS is registered British Certification INC which is accredited with JAS-ANZ Accreditation body. This accreditation ensures the quality of the management system implemented by ISMS.
It provides an organization with a set of principles that ensure focused, informed, scientific and proven approach to the management of your business activities to consistently achieve customer satisfaction and continually improve operational effectiveness on the basis of PDCA cycle.
ISO 9001 is by far the world's most established quality framework, currently being used by around 897,000 organizations in 170 countries worldwide, and sets the standard not only for quality management systems, but management systems in general.
The International Association for Distance Learning" (IADL)
ISMS is approved member of IADL (International Association for Distance Learning). The International Association for Distance Learning promotes excellence in open, distance and online learning worldwide, and provides a benchmark through which global consumers can gauge the quality of courses offered by our membership.
The IADL is an Independent, non-profit organization with its principal administrative offices in London in the United Kingdom. |
ISTE � Indian Society for Technical Education: |
ISMS is proud to be an institutional member of ISTE (membeship Number 2485) Which is one of the most prestigious Bodies governing Technical Education and is also one of the AICTE approved Body to run various programs including WPLP � Working Professionals Learning program. The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is a national, professional, non-profit society registered under the societies Registration Act of 1860. First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions, it was converted into �Indian Society for Technical Education� in 1968 with a view to enlarging its activities and advancing the cause of technological education. The major objective of the ISTE is to assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional engineers / technicians and Management graduates needed by the industries and other organizations. Being the only national organization of educators in the field of engineering, Management and technology, ISTE is involved in the various technical committees, boards formed by central government, Ministry of Human resource Development, AICTE/DOTE/DST. State government, are also involving the ISTE in many of their important programs and activities relating to technical education. |
ISMS is Prestigious Member of British Academy of Mangement. |
American Management Association
New York: ISMS is member of AMA, which is the world's leading membership-based management development organization. AMA offers a full range of business education and management development programs for individuals and organizations, worldwide. ISMS is a proud member of American management Association New York which is the world's leading membership-based management development organization. AMA offers a full range of business education and management development programs for individuals and organizations, worldwide.
ISMS is Prestigious Member of Inodo-American Chamber of Commerce. |
NCHEMS: - The National Center for Higher Education Management Systems
(NCHEMS) has its mission to improve strategic decision making in higher education for states and institutions in the United States and abroad. Through its more than thirty years of service to higher education, NCHEMS has been committed to bridging the gap between research and practice by placing the latest concepts and tools in the hands of higher education policy makers and administrators. Since its founding, NCHEMS has received widespread acclaim for developing practical responses to the strategic issues facing leaders of higher education institutions and agencies. With project support from multiple foundations, NCHEMS develops information and policy tools targeted at policy makers and institutional leaders that can help them set strategic directions and evaluate their effectiveness.
NCHEMS also delivers research-based expertise, practical experience, information, and a range of management tools that can help institutions and higher education systems and states improve both their efficiency and their effectiveness. A particular hallmark of what we do is identifying and analyzing data drawn from multiple sources to help solve specific policy and strategic problems. NCHEMS places these resources in the hands of stakeholders through a variety of means:
Specific research, consulting, or development projects funded by institutions, consortia, state agencies, federal contracts, or foundations. |
Information services and resources that make the Center's extensive data holdings accessible to the higher education community. |
Publications and reports that disseminate research results, concepts, principles, and strategies to a wide audience of policymakers, administrators, and researchers. |
A membership program and periodic training opportunities that foster two-way communication with stakeholders; these also provide opportunities for the Center to understand and meet the changing needs of postsecondary education. |
Responsiveness to higher education's practical needs is a natural product of what we do: the greatest strength of NCHEMS remains its ongoing working contact with higher education practitioners around significant problems.
ISMS is accredited to Global Association For Open and Distance Learning, which is a USA based organization where GAODL strives to make a difference in the effectiveness of learning by bringing distance learning professionals together from across the nation and around the world.
BMA: - Bombay Management Association
ISMS is an Academic member of BMA (Membership Number IA0057-A) which is an Academic Member with the objective to promote and develop sound management principles and practices.It is an Independent non-profit making entity, which focuses on providing a wide range of services aimed at enhancing managerial effectiveness in a broad sphere of activities with a common desire to improve the standards of Business Management in India.BMA provides a forum for mutual sharing of management ideas, experiences and expertise. BMA also invites speakers from India and abroad for the members of BMA and for the benefit of general public. Bombay Management Association organizes industry conferences & programs on Management & Digital Leadership and has trained more than 1.2 lac managers.